Slice of PIE

#20 The long win - Cath Bishop

November 16, 2020 Pete Jackson Season 2 Episode 6

In this episode I speak to Cath Bishop. A speaker, consultant, executive coach and author on developing success in leadership. Cath is also a former diplomat and former elite rower for Great Britain, representing at 3 Olympic games, achieving World Champion status twice as well as an Olympic Silver Medal in partnership with Dame Katherine Grainger in the coxless pair in Athens.

A cursory glance at Cath’s Wikipedia or LinkedIn might give you the impression of one word… SUCCESS. Yet it’s the notion of what is defined as success which sits at the heart of her new book The Long Win. Is success the outcome or the journey towards it? Is it the medals and quarterly targets or the skills and growth you gain along the way? And why is our culture obsessed with winning?

I thoroughly enjoyed interviewing Cath and getting deeper into some of the topics within the book. If you are interested I’ve left a link to the book in the description below, along with a host of other books I've read and have been recommended in the world of psychology, organisation culture, wellbeing and performance.

In our conversation we jump straight into the themes from the book and the implications for building psychologically informed environments. We only lightly touch upon Cath's own Olympic and athletic journey, but if you’d like to find out more I’d invite you to listen to Cath's interviews with Simon Mundie on Don’t Tell Me the Score and Steve Ingham on The Supporting Champions podcast to learn more. Again, see these links below:

The Long Win:



Recommended books:

Cath Bishop on Don't Tell Me The Score:

Cath Bishop on Supporting Champions:

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